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感謝(美國)改革宗翻譯社網站 http://rtf-usa.com 開放書籍免費下載,歡迎轉載,打印,傳閲。

1 基督教神學概論_(伯克富)
Manual of Christian Doctrine by Louis Berkhof

2 基督教與新神學_(梅欽)
Christianity and Liberalism by John Gresham Machen

3 聖經的默示_(伯特納)
Inspiration of the Scripture by Loraine Boettner

4 三位一體_(伯特納)
Trinity by Loraine Boettner

5 基督的位格_(伯特納)
The Person of Christ by Loraine Boettner

6 贖罪論_(伯特納)
The Atonement by Loraine Boettner

7 靈魂不滅_(伯特納)
Immortality by Loraine Boettner

8 基督教預定論_(伯特納)
The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination by Loraine Boettner

9 上帝主權的恩典_(司布真)
Spurgeon’s Sovereign Grace Sermons by Charles H. Spurgeon

10 論神的揀選_(司布真)
Election by Charles H. Spurgeon

11 從約翰福音看恩典的教義_(布魯斯.史督華)
The Doctrine of Grace in the Gospel of John by R. Bruce Steward

12 傳福音與神的主權_(巴刻)
ImmortalityEvangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J. I. Packer

13 從神學觀點看靈恩派_(約翰.麥克阿瑟)
The Charismatics: A Doctrinal Perspective by John MacArthur